Beautifully Well Box; Your key to living a more natural, healthier and less-toxic lifestyle!

On a mission to help, educate, inspire, support and empower you to shop and live more consciously, everyday!

Your very own monthly all-natural Beautifully Well Box is pure convenience and will give you the opportunity to try beneficial product alternatives to improve your lifestyle.

Without the time, money or effort typically required.

And all from the comfort of your own home! 


Collage Boxes and Peaple
A beautiful curation of beauty, wellness, health, lifestyle, fitness and nutrition products which are Australian-made, all-natural, planet-friendly and cruelty-free.

Discover over $50 of value and variety of products inside each box; delivered free to your door monthly (Australia-Wide).

Beautifully Well Box; Your key to living a more natural, healthier and less-toxic lifestyle!

On a mission to help, educate, inspire, support and empower you to shop and live more consciously, everyday!

Your very own monthly all-natural Beautifully Well Box is pure convenience and will give you the opportunity to try beneficial product alternatives to improve your lifestyle.

Without the time, money or effort typically required.

And all from the comfort of your own home! 


Collage Boxes and Peaple
A beautiful curation of beauty, wellness, health, lifestyle, fitness and nutrition products which are Australian-made, all-natural, planet-friendly and cruelty-free.

Discover over $50 of value and variety of products inside each box; delivered free to your door monthly (Australia-Wide).

How to Adopt Holistic Self-Care Without Overwhelming Yourself

For years, I had a hectic lifestyle. As a business owner and a mother, I constantly juggled meetings and doctor appointments. If I’m not buried in paperwork, I’m covered with spilled milk. 

There was no time to visit the spa. My vanity cabinet was overflowing with creams, lotions, ointments, and many other commercial products advertised to make you look and feel better fast and easy.

Until the pandemic struck….

Fortunately, I was able to keep my business. But the border closures and social restrictions made me realise how unhealthy my lifestyle was. So, after a few weeks indoors, I started to reflect.

And there it hit me!

I was trading my health and my relationships for quick fixes. It was more than a work burnout. It was something deeper that should be addressed as soon as possible.

After several months of fighting it, I decided to give in and started researching holistic self-care. There’s no shortage of tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle, but most of them tend to be “overhaul-ish”.

Remember that you’re a human after all!

Forcing yourself to quit fast food right away can only worsen your cravings! So what I did was take baby steps--and now, I’m feeling the unique bliss of balance.

Whether you’re a career woman, a full-time mum, a young entrepreneur, or a student - these tips can help you get started with holistic self-care:





Staying fit is hard, especially if you always have to finish the kid’s leftovers. In my case, they were often lasagna and bacon.

This doesn’t mean filling the fridge with celery and berries right away!

Have you tried suddenly shifting from a high-carb diet to greens and fish? How did it work for you? I tried a fad diet a few years back. Although I was able to slim down, my mood was erratic, and I couldn’t focus. So before undertaking any diet plan, I suggest you consult the doctor first.


Don’t want to stick to meal plans? Just remember these points when preparing food:

  • Antioxidant-rich fruits, such as blueberries, pecans, dark chocolate, and green, leafy vegetables prevent brain fog
  • Onions, garlic, ginger, and herbs improve blood flow to the brain, providing oxygen and nutrients. The key is to fill your plate with more colours, avoid artificial sugars and anything processed.
  • When your diet is composed of white bread, sugary drinks, chips, and deep-fried meat, you feel heavy and easily irritated.


Are you not ready to replace your beloved SUV with a hybrid car? Or install a solar roof?

Starting small is the most practical option towards sustainability for most of us. So, for example, I started by getting rid of all the highly commercialised self-care products from my home. 


I thought I was buying the right products until I started asking these questions: 

  • What are the ingredients?
  • How many of them are unfamiliar to you?
  • Where is the product manufactured? Buying local promotes a simple supply chain.
  • Are there animals harmed during the manufacturing process?
  • Is the brand eco-certified?

  • I replaced those products with planet-friendly, cruelty-free, and thoroughly researched Aussie brands. Then, to make things more exciting, I signed up for a monthly subscription box called Beauty Starter from Beautifully Well Box.

    Here’s how it works: Each month I receive a beautifully curated self-care box containing high-quality, eco-friendly products.

    Tip: Watch the short film entitled “Save Ralph”, which shows how the traditional cosmetic industry could harm animals. 




    Do you feel anxious seeing photos of women planking, lifting weights, and doing yoga on social media? I also experienced that! But don’t feel guilty about not working out like others.


    Here’s how a time-poor person like me stays physically active.

    Here are little tricks to get you moving:

  • Set your alarm every 20-30 minute to remind you to stand and walk around a little bit. Sitting for long hours is probably one of the most innocent-looking ways to harm your body. 
  • Decide to spend less time on the couch. Instead of playing video games or watching TV for hours, try walking down the park. 
  • Skip the elevator and use the stairs. If possible, do the cleaning instead of hiring someone to do it. You have no idea how many calories are burned by scrubbing the bathroom! Here are 11 ways household chores can turn into exercise.

  • Your lifestyle is probably different from mine. But the point is, try to grab every opportunity to move your bones and muscles.


    Sleep is a complex thing, and it’s a physical requirement. But, for some reason, it helps us recall faster, think clearer, and do better. 

    Not getting quality sleep?

    Your mattress might be the culprit.

    Strive to achieve quality sleep, especially if you only have a few hours for it. Choose the correct type of mattress and invest in a high-quality one. For example, my back pain lessened when I switched to a memory mattress that offers more pressure relief. However, it turns out the bouncy bed I used to have wasn’t helping my spine alignment.

    Some of your habits are hindering your sleep quality.

    Wheaton Madden, a Novalease financial analyst and an advocate of holistic self-care, also shared some techniques. According to him, “Your room should encourage tranquillity. So, get rid of the clutter and choose cool shades. I had a dimmer installed to help me control the light and prepare my body for bedtime. It’s also advised to put away your computer or mobile devices 2-3 hours before bedtime. The blue light they emit trick the brain into thinking it’s still daytime—which makes it more difficult to sleep.”,

    I intended to include “Spend Time Alone”, but I guess that would be complicated because many are still in quarantine. So if you’re staying indoors with family or friends, find a peaceful spot at home for at least an hour. Use this to reflect or meditate or just be in silence.

    There is no one-size-fits-all self-care.

    This is just how it works for me. But, of course, your journey may be different from mine. What’s important is we holistically approach self-care because our physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and intellectual aspects are intertwined. 

    What I know is that you also need skincare, and a Beautifully Well Box subscription plan can help you get started with natural and holistic living.  Subscribe now and be one of the first to try the latest products from sustainable brands!

    • Sep 09, 2022
    • Category: Wellness
    • Comments: 0
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